Education reform now!
from nursery and elementary school through high schools to univerity.
1. Open and constructive discourse about education reform Accurate and wide coverage on public media platforms
2. A stop to discrediting educators and intimidating educational workers
The reinstatement of dismissed or repositioned teachers
Honour and respect for teachers
3. The right to go on strike without undue limitations
4. Responsible, competent leadership in education An independent Ministry of Education
5. Decreased workloads for students and teachers
6. Equal access for everyone to high-quality education from nursery school to university
7. Competitive salaries for everyone working in education
8. Updated standards and 21st century learning environment
9. Professional freedom and support in education Modern and up-to-date National Curriculum Freedom to select textbooks
It was compiled by the working group of the Civil Közoktatási Platform (Civil Public Education Platform) at the request of the Civil Összefogás a Pedagógusokárt és Diákokért (Civil Alliance for Teachers and Students) initiative.